Monday, June 29, 2009

Mystery Solved!

Backstory here.

Everybody knows you can't fool Nancy Drew! And that I am the modern personification of this girl detective! After all, Wikipedia describes her this way:
Nancy has often been described as a supergirl: She is "as immaculate and self-possessed as a Miss America on tour. She is as cool as a Mata Hari and as sweet as Betty Crocker." Nancy is wealthy, attractive, and amazingly talented. At sixteen she 'had studied psychology in school and was familiar with the power of suggestion and association.' Nancy was a fine painter, spoke French, and had frequently run motor boats. She was a skilled driver who at sixteen 'flashed into the garage with a skill born of long practice.' The prodigy was a sure shot, an excellent swimmer, skillful oarsman, expert seamstress, gourmet cook, and a fine bridge player. Nancy brilliantly played tennis and golf, and rode like a cowboy. Nancy danced like Ginger Rogers and could administer first aid like the Mayo brothers.
What?? Quit laughing. . .

Moving on. . .when we came home on Friday night we noticed that the previously non-kissing Dutch kids were kissing again. . .and our prime suspect still wasn't home. That's when my fine "powers of suggestion and association" along with the "study of psychology in my schooling" kicked in.

Yeah, it did. Quit arguing with me. . .

Reasoning that the "perp" always returns to the scene of the "crime" we expanded our circle of suspects. Ali's analysis of the situation deduced that there was a particular someone who had the means, motive and opportunity because of the recent cleaning of a garage that belonged to someone who might have enjoyed kissing Dutch statues. Combining that with other virtual visits to the "crime scene" and we had reason to question the "suspects."

We virtually interrogated the "suspects" and it wasn't long before they cracked under the Nancy Drew-like rationale.

Yeah. . .they did. Quit denying it. . .

Now, everybody knows that despite the trouble and presumed expense to which she goes to solve mysteries, Nancy never accepted monetary compensation. Of course we wouldn't either. But after the kissing Dutch kids disappeared to wherever it is that kitschy concrete statues go, this appeared it their place.

The very cutest kind of kitsch!

Yeah, it is. . .quit arguing with me. . .

To the "perps" – thanks for the laughs; for the four days of entertainment; for the unexpectedness of the kindness; and for the cute little gazing ball! You guys rock! =)


Anonymous said...

Thank God... finally a new post. I was sick of seeing that dead squirrel!

random thougths said...

Nancy Drew.. so I think it was an easy solve after asking EVERYONE else you know if they did it...LOL... Great replacement! I personally appreciated the kissing being turned back to