Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It seems like everything is on fast-forward this week. Is it just me??

Out of the blue, last Friday, I got a call at work – closing on the big, brown house in the 'hood on Monday! After three and a half years. . .it's done! {that's a double edge sword. i have many, many happy and hilarious memories there}

I have a cold – stuffy nose and general malaise. But I have a happy heart.

I have bread to bake, packages to adorn, lists to be inspected and not enough time for everything. So, a few things have to go. But it's all good.

I got to say some things that have been on my heart for awhile to someone who is important to me. They were all good things and it made my heart light again.

That's all for now. I'm hanging on to the meaning that comes with this week. Hope you are too.

1 comment:

Frank Wilson said...

G'town bound . . . Merry Christmas!