Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The One That Isn't Staying

I jokingly say that we are gunning to be the first family on the as-yet-to-be filmed reality show "Animal Hoarders." It's kind of funny. And kind of not.

This little guy, however, is NOT staying!

I reached under the sink yesterday morning to put a new bag in the kitchen trash can and screamed like a little girl. . . I think he just startled me because he's adorable. But, he's not supposed to be in my trash can when I'm not paying attention! Ali thought I was dying and she quickly took him outside to set him free.

Looking at this picture brings a few thoughts to mind:

• Now that I'm closer to 50 than I am 40 I probably ought to minimize that kind of shock. I suppose at my age it could be fatal. . .

• I really need to clean out the bottom of that can. . . It's kind of embarrassing. . .please don't judge my character based on my kitchen trash can. . .

That's all the news from the Animal Ranch this morning. Over and out.

1 comment:

Frank Wilson said...

At least I know where I can find a used Q-tip if I ever need one . . .