Friday, May 08, 2009

My Feet

All around me people are rushing towards something – new places, new careers, new life.

I am watching. My feet are still.

It's OK just to watch right now. I'm mostly content to stand quietly for a little bit. Listening. Waiting.

There are a few days that I want to jump in and go, go, go.

There are a few days that I never want to move again. Never. Ever. Again.

So, here I stand.

Most days I want a blueprint: a very, very specific outline of steps to take. I want guarantees and backup plans. At the very least a money back guarantee.

On the rest of the days I just want someone to listen. And nod. And say, "You know. . .what's supposed to happen will happen."

Because, most days – I think I believe that.


Marie said...

Oh God. Me too.

Tanya said...

We'll just keep breathing.