It didn't take me long to come up with my word.

Instead of a list of things that were somehow framed in negativity – I will stop eating all junk food. . .or else. . . – I wanted something that would encompass the direction I wanted my life to proceed. If I am gentle with myself then I can make slow and positive changes as I am ready and willing. No deadlines. No consequences. Just gentleness.
I want to give that to myself. And make it my gift to others with whom my daily encounters intersect.
I may make this work the focus of some art this year. Some writing. I will certainly use this word for my meditation mantra each day. We shall see.
The following quote has always been inspiring to me. It's been printed out and posted on the edge of my computer screen for quite awhile. May it inspire you too.
Don't lose any opportunity, however small, of being gentle toward everyone. Don't rely on your own efforts to succeed in your various undertakings, but only on God's help. Then rest in his care of you, confident that he will do what is best for you, provided that you will, for your part, work diligently but gently. I say "gently" because a tense diligence is harmful both to our heart and to our task and is not really diligence, but rather over eagerness and anxiety...I recommend you to God's mercy. I beg him, through that same mercy, to fill you with his love.
– St. Francis de Sales
Happy New Year.
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