1. Oliver took me for a walk this morning. Trying to find a route that was a bit more well-lit than the streets in my neighborhood at 6:15, we went down Main Street into the business district. When we got to the front of one of the nicest, most expensive restaurants in town he decided it was the perfect time to take a very large poop.
For Christmas Ali had gotten me a roll of bags, designed just for this type of occasion. They were designed to be clipped to the handle of his retractable leash. "No biggie," I thought to myself as I took off my gloves to unroll a bag. My hands were cold and I struggled to unroll a tiny blue bag. I got more and more agitated as Oliver got more and more impatient. I picked at the roll for almost 5 minutes before discovering that the roll was taped shut and my fingers were too numb to remove the tiny little piece of tape.
With several furtive glances over my shoulder, we walked away. If you eat at a local oriental steakhouse tonight, watch where you step.
I'm thinking – Does this make me a bad person?
2. I loved having time off around the holidays but I have to confess that it's kind of nice to get back into a routine.
I'm thinking – I'm a loser, huh??
3. For Christmas, Ali got me this tiny little box of quotes called Brilliance: Uncommon Voices from Uncommon Women. There are thirty little cards. I decided to open one each Monday. Today's says, "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." - Margaret Bonanno
I'm thinking – Amen!
4. Kidney stones suck. We didn't know what we were looking for as we awaited its arrival. There were some intensive phone calls with a friend of a friend. (side note - It's not as uncomfortable as you might think, talking to a total stranger over the phone about such personal matters. . .maybe he's just an exceptional human being though! Thanks Tim!!)
Just in case you ever wondered – here's what a kidney stone looks like. . . and you don't ever want one of your own!

I'm thinking – Kind of cool, isn't it??
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