One of the things I want to do in 2009 is learn to take better and more interesting photographs. It comes with practice I hope. I subscribe to a couple of e-newsletters on photography -
photojojo for one. It was there that I read about a flickr group called
52 Blessings. Each week of 2009 you submit your best photo of something that has given you joy for the world to see. Hoping that one good photo a week will be more manageable than the 365 Project, I decided to give it a go.
52 Blessings - week 1

On New Year's Day I took time just for me. I sat down at the kitchen table to eat breakfast - instead of eating in the car or standing over the sink - and ate oatmeal from scratch and a grapefruit.
When my gramma died each grandkid took one of her special grapefruit spoons. She taught each of us to enjoy grapefruit, to laugh at the absurd and to love life. These are my goals for 2009.
Just the looking at those spoons brings back so many memories of her. I was just thinking of her this morning as I looked out the window at the pond. Great picture to start out the year.
I still miss her so much it hurts.
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