This iz ur freend Samson (the dogg) riting too u. I am riting from a plase my mom is kalling "time out" where she sayz I will bee for maybe the rest of my liffe. I got in truble. agin.
See, here's wat happenned. My bruvver, Oly and me had been upstaars playing in the room with the xtra bed. the one that noonne ever sleepz in. somehow, and i dont no how, a pilow got a hole in it. i thot it was funy and then somehow that hole got way biger. and biger. and biger. then all these fethers started comming out and it was way fun. (i know what fethers iz becuse one time Oly, he kiled a burd!) for a few minutes i was feelling like Oly. U know. all tuff and strong. not really like me at all, but it was funn to preetend.
then Oly went down the starez where our momz was and the fun camme to the end. The tall mom said "Y do you have a fether on ur noze Oly?" The short mom laffed. i like it when they laff so i went down there too. The short mom looked at me and she said, "Y do you have fethers in ur moath sam?" they stoped laffing.
They sayed "do u think they keeled a burd in the house somehaw?" and they went too look.
wen they gott upstarz this is wat they saw.
they waz madd. madd. madd. they keeped asking me that same stuupid questun. "what did u do?" over. and over. and over. this was all i kuld do.
they waznt asking Oly at all "wat did u do?" onlyz mee. it maade me sad. i thot it waz preety. and fun. and at first it maade them laff. but then not so much.

and now i'm in prizon called time out.
pleeze send bonez. . .
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