Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I woke up feeling all out of sorts this morning. Not cranky. Not overly tired. Just out of sorts. And I don't know why.

I spent last night creating for the Creativity Boot Camp: Spring Training Workshop that I'm taking online. The assignment was to get messy. To create a "DisasterPiece." There were no more instructions than that and my follow directions, do as I'm told brain kind of freaked out.

Eventually I took a black and white photo from last summer of a cemetery sculpture and painted the background with bleach. That was the only plan I had. The bleach looked like fire. I didn't know what else to do, so for the first time in my life I turned my brain off and just went for it. I crumpled up the photo and tore it into pieces. I smudged it with oil pastels and then tried to put it back together. I thought the background needed something so I destroyed pages from an old Baptist hymnal and glued them down first. Then I glued the photo back over it.

Something about a cemetery, flames and old Baptist hymns just spoke to me.

It's my disaster I guess.

I loved turning off my brain and just doing something.

But this morning I think it has me feeling off kilter. Overexposed.

I hope it fades today. I don't like feeling this way.

And, of course, there is another assignment for tonight. This one involves drawing/scribbling/doodling. And that never goes over well with a control freak who draws like a four year old and expects perfection. . .

What the hell have I gotten myself into??

1 comment:

Ami said...

I don't know what you're into... or rather what you've gotten yourself into, but the piece of art you created is really striking.

Can't wait to see the next.