:: It was hot and I got a sunburn.
:: It was totally worth the sweat and the prickly skin.
:: Charismatic Christianity still makes me uncomfortable. I can't help but think of Jesus telling the Pharisees to go to their prayer closets and not make such a show of their praying.

:: Third Day helped me fall in love with God all over again.
:: The crowd was a little tiny, eensie bit more diverse than the last time I was in a group of several thousand churchy-type people. I was still uncomfortable, but not as much as in the past. . . I actually wasn't the only person there with a tattoo and our gay-dar went off a few times.
:: Needtobreathe is a very fun group of good ol' boys from South Carolina. It's just a plus that they do music with a spiritual bent. I would like them either way.
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