Tuesday, July 13, 2010


{Tri-Colored Birch Tree • Liberty Street, Findlay}
{It's a lovely pink color that lasts all summer long. It gives, with no thought or fear of what tomorrow might bring.}

Genesis –
a song of abundance
"it is good, it is good, it is good!"
The plants, the birds, the fish.

It's all good.

We're all good.

Enter fear and doubt.
"What if there's not enough?"
"What about me/mine/ours?"
Clutching. Fearful. Ruthless.
Stingy. Grabby. Controlling.

A theology of abundance
locked in a struggle with
the myth of scarcity.

Where do I choose to live?

I must choose to believe that
the power of future
is carefully
attended to
and cherished
by the hands of those
who trust abundance.

And I will be there.


Frank Wilson said...

WOW! Great writing . . . full of emotion . . . and truth!

Marie said...

Damn, T! This is stunning!!