Sunday, May 17, 2009

Your Opinion Matters!

Does the look in these eyes seem familiar to you?

Here's a hint. . .

Meet Frank – Oliver's brother.

Last December when we went to the Hancock County Humane Society looking for a dog, Oliver and Frank were there together. We brought Oliver home. For months we checked on Frank hoping that he would be adopted. Finally, he was. He went to a home where someone needed the incentive for a daily walk and they thought that Frank would be just the motivation that they needed.

Ali and I were so relieved. Based on Oliver's antics we were quite sure that Frank would certainly need a daily walk.

Today we found out that Frank was returned to the Humane Society. The exact quote is priceless if you've followed Oliver stories at all.

"My owners could not keep up with me so I was brought here because of my high energy level. I am a very friendly, energetic boy that loves attention. I enjoy playing, daily walks, and I need to learn basic obedience skills. I do great with other dogs! Please make sure that you have time in your life for a guy like me that NEEDS daily exercise."

So. . .this is where your opinion matters. . .would we be out of our minds to adopt Frank too? Would it be double the lunacy or might it just up the fun factor? If we can Dog Whisper Oliver into half-hearted submission couldn't we do the same for poor old Frank? Or would it be along the lines of all those irresponsible parents out there who say things like, "What the hell? It's just one more kid!"

Please, drop a comment and give us your sage advice. . .before we do something stupid!


Nancy said...

Yes, your insane! Yes, you should adopt him.

SharonP said...

You are crazy! Look for someone else to give him a home. Call all your friends, everyone you know. I know that black dogs have a hard time getting homes but can you survive the stress, not to mention the expense of another dog?

I remember the day that Greg and I were outnumbered by our kids. It was so much harder than just having two...

Anonymous said...

The "dog whisperer from Colorado" won't be back in OH for quite a while. You might want to buy a few seasons of Ceasar before you make a decision.

Anonymous said...

The 4 cats we have would like to tell you, DON'T DO IT!! However, the 3 dogs we have say YES,YES,YES, it helps spread the trouble around better.

The ZooKeeper said...

You should see our zoo. 2 dogs, 4 cats, 2 ferrets, 3 mice, 1 OLD hamster, 5 foot iguana, 2 aquariums. We have thinned out a bit, had 22 hamsters, 1 ferret, and 10 hermit crabs all go to the great beyond.

Now what if you need me to come over and work on something, my one assistant Oliver might not be enough.
If we had the room we would have another dog. Go for it.

Tanya said...

To the "dog whisperer from Colorado" – your next trip to Ohio was the next question on the agenda!!!! ; )