Thursday, January 08, 2009

Gentle Breath

My word for 2009 is gentleness and I've been giving a lot of consideration to what it means to me on a personal level. I've also been thinking about what it could mean on a larger, more expansive level.

In my morning meditation and prayer time I've begun using the word gentle. It has two syllables, making it perfect for the inhalation and exhalation of breath. As I slowly breathe in and out it occurs to me that everyone has the power to hold, and then breathe, gentleness into life. It can work in two ways.

First, holding gentleness inside has the power to effect change in me. It has the potential to frame my outlook and my perceptions, if only I give it a chance. Each inhalation of gentle breath can bring me closer to the person I was created to be.

The second part is equally powerful. The exhalation of each gentle breath contains the possibility of new life outside of me. Gentleness on my part can easily change the outcomes of my interactions with others. Gentleness in words and actions can even change the attitudes of those people with whom my life intersects.

An inward-outward journey.

Gentleness is a tiny action and a small thought. It's intangible and easily written off because the world can be a hard, unforgiving place.

As I knelt to meditate this morning I noticed that it was quietly beginning to snow. Each small, inconsequential flake fell from the sky and landed outside my window. I continued to breathe. The flakes began to gather one by one and soon there was a light blanket on the ground. The tree in front of me was being transformed into a magical white creature with many arms. I breathed. It continued to build, flake by flake. It was silent and still in its power.

Just like a very gentle breath.

What if we all breathed gently?

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