Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I must be middle aged. I know this is true because something as simple as a Polaroid picture makes me nostalgic.

Did you know that Kodak announced earlier this year that it was no longer going to manufacture film for the Polaroid camera? That news item alone was nearly enough to send me thrifting for an old Polaroid camera and film. I'm a sucker.

There's a movement afoot to save it. Come on. . .who doesn't remember waving that squishy plastic picture around trying to make it develop faster? I remember that we used to blow on it, thinking that somehow drying it out might help.

Polaroids were almost instant gratification. They were kid magical.

Just in time to save this aging Gen-X'er, Poladroid saves the day!

When you  download this free piece of software it mimics a Polaroid camera in every way! Just drop your photo into the desktop camera icon it makes the same noise that the old camera made (think ker-zjeerrrrr-chikk) and then spits out a photo that has to "dry" as the chemical wash fades from brown to yellow. Finally, it leaves the finished image behind. The camera spits out images all over your desktop, as if you have dropped them there. You can even wave them around if you want.

What I love the most about this program is that, just like the old film Polaroid, your photographic results aren't perfect. Or even predictable. Here is one photo of my Christmas tree, "Poladroid-ed" three different times. With three very different results.

The program automatically downloads a fairly hi-res photo to your hard drive that you can print or upload to whatever program you use to organize and share your photos.

Nostalgic. Free. Fun. What more could you ask for?

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