These photos in no way convey the utter joy and abandon with which he joined the clan. More descriptive words of our evening could be chosen at random from the following: bedlam, clutter, disarray, discord, disorder, disorganization, holy mess, pandemonium, rat’s nest, snarl, topsy-turviness, tumult, turmoil, unruliness.
But he sure is cute. And sweet. His entire ass-end wags with complete abandon every time you even talk to him. He and Sammy really got along well - all things considered. There was a little bit of growling over the food bowl but that was it. They just never slowed down.

We took them upstairs, thinking that corralling everyone on the bed might slow them down a bit and let us bond. They went from fifth to third gear. It was a slight improvement!

For now, the best part of being a two-dog house is that we can send them out into the backyard and they will play without supervision! Sammy used to stay out for about 32 seconds before howling at the backdoor to be let in. Now, we can hardly get them to come back to the garage!
The only difficulty we've had is the battle over who's going to be the dominate dog. Oliver was just neutered on Tuesday so he still has a lot of testosterone in his system. Sammy. . .not so much. There's a lot of posturing, staring and other not-so-polite behavior going on. Ali and I are trying to let them figure it out for themselves but it's tough.
Just before 9 last night they were out running around in the backyard. They were boxing at each other. Sammy is a couple of inches taller and outweighs Oliver by about 6 pounds. There was a lot of humping and dominate staring going on as Ali and I watched out the window of the utility room. Suddenly Ali started to laugh.
"What?" I asked.
"We need to get them inside," she giggled. "We don't want to be known all over the neighborhood as the people who allow doggy porno in the backyard!"
Welcome home, Oliver.

I had to include one more shot of Mr. Jealous!
Congrats on the addition to the family. I am not sure if he will settle Sammy, or instigate more trouble...lol. From the expressive facial features... you've got your hands full!
Yay, yay, yay! Looks like a lot of fun!
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