Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Advent is finally over. The waiting, preparing, watching and hoping are done. Christmas has finally arrived.
I wasn't quite ready though.           

I was prepared for perfect love and the promise of new life. I was ready for a fresh start and for hope to be born again inside of all who choose to believe. I was ready for excitement and laughter and the exchange of gifts.

But, I wasn't quite ready for all the details. There are a few gifts I didn't get finished in time. There were things I had to buy and not make because I just ran out of time and energy. When I face these "failures" sometimes I'm kind of hard on myself. But, as I read on one of my favorite blogs this week, maybe it's just time to throw The List (and all the expectations) into the fire. And just let the celebration be what it will be.

The Christmas police have not called. I have not been issued a Christmas warning to pick up my game.

There has been no town crier in the streets calling "Hear ye! Hear ye! Tanya has dropped the ball. She hereby and henceforth fails Christmas!"
Let it be what it will be.

Thank you for reading this blog. For commenting. And for being my friends. It's been a tough year. But hope comes in the form of a new life in all who believe. Merry Christmas to you.

May your Christmas, no matter what shape or size, be just right for you.

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