Monday, December 01, 2008

The Cosmic Joke Is On Me

Somewhere in the cosmos is the sound of the home maintenance god's laughter. . .

And, I'm not even smiling.

If you haven't read the post below, from earlier today, I recommend you read it first.

When I got home tonight, Bob, of Bob's Heating and AC was waiting for me in the driveway. He had the elusive part for my furnace that Sears and the people from the soul-sucking home warranty place swore only existed in the wild. But he had lured one into his truck and captured it just for me.

When we got to the front door I looked down and there was a UPS package laying there. It was from Sears. . .

I started to laugh, rather manically. But wait – there's more.

Bob got to work while Ali and I ate Chinese. Most of the way through my Hunan Chicken Bob called me out to the utility room. He had a funny look on his face.

"Tanya, there's nothing wrong with your furnace."

I almost hurled Chinese on his shoes.

I'll spare the details, but I've asked the same question to every repairman who has been to our house over the last 22 days. It runs fine when they have the cover off, but as soon as they put the damn thing back on and leave it won't stay running. I've asked (and asked and asked) if there is some safety or something that might cause such a problem. They have all ignored me.

Bob said, "If I don't fasten the one side of the cover it runs just fine. Must be a dead bird or something blocking that intake pipe. We'll have to come back and clean that out."

And by jove. . .don't you know it. It's warm in here.

And it only cost me $326.45. I'm still not laughing.

1 comment:

random thougths said...

OMG... I spent over $1000 in 2 years trying to get an older furnace running properly. They replaced this cicuit board, that vaccuum hose...even blamed a dirty furnace filter, but didn't have heat last year, again, at winter start-up. I finally gave in and spent the money to replace the whole system... only $5000 for furnace and central air... payable w/ 6 mos same as cash...LOL.I relate well to you here!