Friday, December 05, 2008

Bird Crazy

Yesterday, while I was browsing the tables at the local thrift shop, I came upon a ziplock baggie full of someone's hand-pieced quilt blocks. They are the pattern called Dresden Plate. They were all hand pieced and then hand appliqued onto natural muslin. The dozen or so finished blocks represent probably more than 100 hours of someone's hand work. All for sale for $3.50.

They came home with me.

There is no way I'm going to finish this quilt. I don't have matching fabrics. . .or that kind of patience. But I have always loved birds and thought this might be a fun way to make some.

The pattern just barely fit.

With a little handsewing (so not my forte) and some stuffing, I had myself a sweet little bird!

Then, I had two!

I'm thinking of displaying them like this.

Or maybe this.

That ought to help keep the winter blues at bay, don't you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love It!!!