Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Too Desperate?


random thougths said...

Desperate? Maybe.. I know someone not working that might be able to pick up that part for you...lol. If nothing else, I could loan you an oil filled radiant heater that could keep a room very comfortable.

Tanya said...

Thanks! If I knew when, or even what company was delivering I might take you up on that. . .alas. . .that would be too much information for a consumer to have!!!

We've got plenty of space heaters. Just tired of hanging out in one small room! THANK YOU!

Ben said...


Tanya said...

Alas. . .no. I believe that the part did not arrive as opposed to not having been left on my front porch but a snarky delivery driver. This morning I gave my house keys to a total stranger - the Sears repair man – who said he would check on the porch this afternoon and see it it has been delivered. . .

the saga continues. . .