It's a strange time for Mother Nature to get naked. All I want to do from now until Spring is crawl under a heavy pile of blankets and take a nap.

Here is the same tree this morning.

Fall goes quickly. I took this photo on Wednesday.

Here is the same tree this morning.
The vivid oranges, reds and greens have faded to muted browns and greys. The sky has gone from being a beautiful blue to a gunmetal grey that seems to stay until March.
There is still beauty. You just have to look a lot harder.
That's my test this year. To look more carefully and practice more gratitude. Late fall and all of winter are a challenge for me. Maybe the trees have a lesson. As they simplify and rest, maybe I can too. There are fewer commitments necessary in the winter. Fewer opportunities to be outside and engaged.
I want to take more time to create, think and dream this winter. Instead of hibernating, I hope to open my eyes a little wider, open my ears a little bigger and remember to say thanks a bit more often.
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