Growing up, I read all the time. I read cereal boxes and milk cartons at the breakfast table. One summer during elementary school I won the library's summer reading contest. I can't remember how many books I finished, but I think it was nearly 200. I still have the charm bracelet that I won as the prize.
I still read a lot but my fascination with words has broadened a bit. I'm growing to appreciate poetry in ways I never have before. I like puzzles and using words in different kinds of ways. I'm also learning the joys of writing that I never experienced in school.
Today I found something really, really cool.
Wordle is a site that takes your writing and generates a word cloud based on the frequency and prominence of the words you use most. I entered the words from the nine posts that are my favorites from this blog. Here is what it created. (click to make it bigger)

The more you use a certain word, the larger it appears. I was pleased and amused with what it came up with! I printed a large sheet that I would like to frame. It looks a bit like a piece of poetry of its own. My life, the people who have influenced me, my memories – all condensed and concrete, yet floating and alive.
It made me think of this verse, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." – Hebrews 12:1
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