Friday, October 17, 2008


For those of you who are praying folk – I'm a bundle of nerves.

A very good and old friend since college has finally found of the love of her life. They have asked me to perform their Holy Union service. I said yes.

It's tomorrow.

I'm not nervous that I won't do a good job. . .we've planned a very creative, meaningful service.

I'm not nervous about speaking. . .I think the homily will be kick ass. Equal parts humor and seriousness.

Here's where it is. I have this scared "here we go again" feeling. The kind of feeling that says "don't set yourself up to get all excited" – using your gifts and all. . .

I'm sure it will be fine. It will be a beautiful day in a Columbus rose garden. The people will be incredible. God will be there and there will be a party.

I just hope I am there for them – after all, it's not about me.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Oh hon. I've been thinking about you and your gifts. I'm so glad you get to use them. I'll never forget how glad we were to have you as part of our Holy Union. I'll be praying for you!