It's knitter-ese for Finished Object! Baby Surprise Jacket!
If you do knit, and you didn't know what FO – BSJ was, you better just surrender your knitting needles right now. The Zimmer-maniacs are on their way to your house I write this.*
This Elizabeth Zimmermann pattern is something of a benchmark for knitters. If you can figure out the piddly little amount of instructions to actually knit the thing and have it look like a baby jacket you are on your way to becoming a "real" knitter. This pattern is surrounded by folklore, gushing praise and outright Zimmermann worship.
It is a cool piece of knitting. But I get tired of all the Zimmer-mania. She was an incredibly gifted visionary and marvelous knitter. But if you never knit an EZ pattern in your whole life, you can still be a "real" knitter.
I. Feel. Better. Now.
The genius in the pattern is the engineering. You knit up a weird looking little squarish blob of garter stitch then fold it just so and (hopefully!) you have a cute little jacket!
Now I just have to come up with a baby to give it to!
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