Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Every once in awhile my phone rings and when I answer it there is someone on the line who hesitantly asks if I can help them. Most of the time they want to know if I will talk to them about whether or not they are on their way to hell for being gay.

At first, I told whoever was on the line that I wasn't the pastor of Open Door anymore. They would express some surprise and then ask if I would talk to them anyway. I always did. If they didn't care that I wasn't a pastor anymore, I didn't either.

It rang again on Saturday morning while I was upstairs painting the craft room. The person on the other end said that they already knew that I wasn't at Open Door any longer but they needed help and didn't have anyone they felt comfortable calling. She had heard somewhere that we used to have a Bible study that dealt with the biblical "clobber passages." She asked if I would help her understand what the Bible did and did not say about homosexuality. I told her that I would email her the curriculum materials if she wanted them. She did.

Before hanging up she said, "There are a lot of us who still need God and don't have any use for religious hypocrisy. What can we do to help each other?"

Interesting question.

I've been feeling a hunger myself – a desire for a study of faith and practice that provides challenge and growth. And lately, there have been a number of people who have crossed my path who seem to want the same thing.

"There are a lot of us who still need God and don't have any use for religious hypocrisy. What can we do to help each other?"

I'm not out to start another church. Let me be clear about this – I'm not interested in starting a church. But I am interested in diving back into the Bible and study happens best in community where we can wrestle with Scripture and with each other. 

I found this curriculum that looks challenging, interesting and well-written. It has some great scholars writing for it – Walter Wink, Marcus Borg and Parker Palmer among others. I downloaded a free sample and the author described this as a "Bible study for subversives." Most of us who stand outside the institution would fit that bill!

I'm going to begin this study for myself. If anyone wants to join me drop me a note at (piketanya at yahoo dot com). I need to satisfy the hunger.


random thougths said...

The hunger, the search seems never ending. As you have heard numerous times, you are a teacher. You might not want to start another church, but who's will is it? LOL. I never really understood much about the Bible, more than a great history lesson, until YOU helped me interpret it. I am open for more learning.

Anonymous said...

i think that is awesome!!i hope it is during a time that i can be involved. i think that some great teacher once told me that when God calls you should pick up the phone because your phone may ring for eternity if you dont answer!! thank you!!!! nichole

Anonymous said...

That would be great!!!! I was going to suggest that you do a book study, but you beat me to it...I would love to participate.