Tanya, I have spend atleast 2 hours this morning reading your blog...trying to soak in the essence of what has become Tanya's life since last I saw her! It was like being in a room with you and having a conversation. God,how I miss you! You were one of my strongest tethers to my spirituality...my mentor, my pastor, my friend. Your voice through your written words makes me feel like I am in my "spirtual home" again. It touches a soft sensitive hole in my soul that needs to be filled again. Don't get me wrong...I haven't lost God. It is just that there are certain people or certain kinds of insight that tend to reach us on levels others cannot do. You should NEVER doubt that God will continue to use you. The way may change, but His expectations won't. I know He is still expecting you to touch the world one person at a time in only ways that Tanya can do. I hope to see you sometime soon. I really do miss you and am happy that you are still swimming the current and letting it take you where it may. Sometimes those kinds of journeys are the best! Love, Stacy.
I have spend atleast 2 hours this morning reading your blog...trying to soak in the essence of what has become Tanya's life since last I saw her! It was like being in a room with you and having a conversation. God,how I miss you! You were one of my strongest tethers to my spirituality...my mentor, my pastor, my friend. Your voice through your written words makes me feel like I am in my "spirtual home" again. It touches a soft sensitive hole in my soul that needs to be filled again. Don't get me wrong...I haven't lost God. It is just that there are certain people or certain kinds of insight that tend to reach us on levels others cannot do. You should NEVER doubt that God will continue to use you. The way may change, but His expectations won't. I know He is still expecting you to touch the world one person at a time in only ways that Tanya can do. I hope to see you sometime soon. I really do miss you and am happy that you are still swimming the current and letting it take you where it may. Sometimes those kinds of journeys are the best! Love, Stacy.
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