At first, he didn't really know what to make of it.

It didn't require too much coaxing before one paw went it.

About 10 seconds later we had wild dog on our hands!

He ran circles around the yard, jumping into the pool, rolling on his back, throwing water everywhere, before taking off for another circuit around the yard. He kept at it for at least 45 minutes. There were times when we were kind of worried. He would stop and lay on the ground in the shade, his little heart pounding so hard that we could see it beating. The heart murmur is still an issue that he probably will not grow out of now.
We would look at each other and wonder if we should make him settle down, before he would take off again, jumping in the pool and then jumping on us, spreading water and joy in the afternoon sun. We promised him the best life possible - however long it lasts. Pool parties qualify.

I think it's safe to say Sammy LOVES pool parties.
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