Wednesday, June 11, 2008

100+ Things About Me • Part 4

76. Once, when I was about 5, I peed my pants in the grocery store. I told my mom I had to go. I even cried. She didn’t listen. She got really, really angry with me when she had to clean it up.

77. My favorite fruit is mango. I don’t eat it much because it’s too hard and messy to peel.

78. Last week I saw a centipede in the dishwasher. I shut the door and pretended I didn’t see it. Now, I think about it every time I open the dishwasher door. See #55.

79. I have had two recurring dreams throughout my life. First, that the school bus is waiting for me at the end of the driveway and my legs won’t work – I can neither run nor walk. The second is seeing a plane crash in slow motion.

80. I don’t really like getting books from the library. I don’t like feeling pressured to read. It’s supposed to be for enjoyment.

81. I like to sleep in a cold room with lots of blankets.

82. I love pie. It’s my all-time favorite dessert. Not so much fruit pie. Just all the other kinds.

83. In fifth grade we were forced to learn the metric system. The teacher scared me when she said that the world was going to force it on us by the time I was in college. I thought she meant that war was going to be involved.

84. I don’t know how to play poker.

85. I’ve only stayed up all night once in my life. I was driving home from North Carolina. I thought I was going to die.

86. I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout. I went to camp and everything. When I was a Brownie someone threw my beanie in the boy’s bathroom after recess. The teacher let me go in and get it! Shocking and thrilling at the same time!

87. I had never tried sushi until this year. I like it!

88. When I eat Skittles I only eat the red, purple and orange ones.

89. When asked if I am in introvert or an extrovert I always say “both.”

90. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket.

91. Only once have I walked out of a movie. It was so bad I can’t even remember what it was.

92. I took two semesters of German in college. I can’t even count to ten in German now.

93. Although I’ve had two cats in my life, I am TOTALLY a dog person.

94. I feel guilty when I go to the zoo.

95. I never learned to drive a stick shift car until I bought one. Then I was forced to learn. It wasn’t pretty but I was motivated.

96. The only sport I ever played was basketball in 6th grade. I was really tall but it didn’t make me any good at it. I scored one point all season. It was a game we lost 36-1. Everyone else had to run 35 laps around the gym at the next practice. I got to sit and watch!

97. I worry that I’m going to live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of my life.

98. I used to be panicky afraid during tornados and bad weather. I’m not any more.

99. I am a work in progress.

100. No matter how much you think you might like to talk about yourself, “100 Things About Me” is really hard!

101. I’m an overachiever! (Andrew, I did one more than you! LOL!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know German was an option...Hey Tanya, this is Nancy, can you email me as I have a question for you. ni(my lastname) @hotmail.