I was the smart, quiet kid on my block who was always reading a book and a good year or so behind everyone else in keeping up with the trends. We didn't have much money and my tennis shoes were always the ones from Payless. They were the ones that everyone else had worn the year before. I always tried to hide my feet under the bus seat and under my desk at school so the other kids wouldn't make fun of me. I badly wanted to be like everyone else, so I know what it's like to be the last kid on the block with something cool.
I thought of that this morning when I realized that the forsythia in the front corner of the house was actually a forsythia! It finally bloomed!
When we first moved in, nothing was evening hinting at being green yet. I thought maybe the little thing in the corner was a forsythia – but when everyone else's on the street was blooming, ours was just sitting there looking like a bundle of forlorn sticks!
It's OK little fella. . .when their blooms are falling off you'll still be in all your glory!
I was also excited to realize that we have not one, but THREE purple lilacs! There is a huge bush in the corner of the backyard and two smaller ones on either side of the house. They are among my favorite spring flowering plants.
Any ideas on what this is? I don't have a clue. It's got long stems and is more a plant than a shrub. There are several other unknown things coming up around the house and I'm looking forward to the spring surprises!
And, I don't care if we are the last kids on the block!
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