Thursday, April 03, 2008

Crafting With Beer

My latest craft project involves bottle caps. In order to have an ongoing supply, one must drink beverages that require a twist off metal cap. . .and one must know of others who drink beverages that require a twist off metal cap. . . and since beer is one of the few worthy beverages that meets these requirements it’s been flowing! Just kidding! (mostly!)

I took a bunch of photos of places, people and things that are meaningful and reduced them down to an inch in diameter. Then I cut each one into a 1” circle and glued it into the bottom of the bottle cap.

The next step is the most fun. At Hobby Lobby you can get a two part polymer coating that gets mixed together in equal measurements and poured into each bottle cap. After drying for 8 hours (which gives you plenty of time to come down off the high of breathing the resin vapors! it's almost as good as the buzz from drinking all the beer. . .) you glue a magnet to the back of each bottle cap and voila. . .you have a very interesting and personalized magnet for your fridge!

I see Christmas presents for everyone this year. . .

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