There are several concepts to contemplate as you walk a labyrinth.
• As you slowly mover from the outside toward the center, RELEASE whatever it is that is burdening your soul.
• Once you reach the center of the labyrinth, sit for a little while and RECEIVE blessing.
• Finally, RETURN by same path from which you first entered – but now RESTORED and RECONCILED.
It’s a twisted path towards wholeness.
Lent, and particularly Ash Wednesday, has always been my favorite season of the church. I love the quiet introspection that is demanded during this time. To me, Lent is all about moving from the ashes that symbolize my human weaknesses and failures into a new life on Resurrection morning.
This year I find that pull quite strong.
This past year has been one of throbbing hurt on many levels, in many ways, for many people. I feel as though this past year has been my walking journey into the heart of the labyrinth. It’s time for release. I pray that this 40 day journey of Lent will afford me the space to sit for a little while. I thirst for blessing. My goal for Resurrection morning is to continue to walk that twisted path towards wholeness, but to do it in the spirit of RENOVARÉ – renewed, restored and refreshed.
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